If you are looking for educational technology resources, the eSchool News Online website has a wealth of information, including a video resource center.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Link to article: Are you a Techno-Constructivist? Education World
This article is from Education World: Are you a Techno-Constructivist? This article is worth reading, especially if you are a teacher who is interested learning about a "real-world model for teachers adapting technology to the classroom."
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Online interactive games for children with serious illnesses or disabilities.
According to a recent article in USA today (November 6, 2006), several websites offer children on-line interactive games to help them learn and cope with their health problems or disabilities. Take a look! The USA Today article on-line has links to the organizations that provide the on-line games and related interactive activities.
Starlight Games Page
From the website:
Research Shows the Benefits of Starlight’s Programs Include Decreased Depression, Pain, Anxiety and Isolation
"Starlight is continuously conducting clinical research to evaluate and analyze our programmatic efforts to help seriously ill children and their families cope with their pain, fear and isolation. Following are the overarching summaries of the results from the latest research studies on Starlight's programs."
"Research studies indicate that Starlight’s programs help seriously ill children and their families: experience less depression, anxiety, pain and isolation; better handle, understand, and manage their illnesses; and bond as a family."
"Research studies at institutions across North America have demonstrated the benefits of Starlight’s programs including improved self-efficacy, self-esteem, coping, knowledge, child responsibility, parent-child relationships, adherence; family cohesiveness and willingness to return for treatment; and a reduction in symptoms, depression, feelings of isolation and negative coping behaviors."